Novel HeARTs

We are NOW on audio books! Want to read a physical book instead and can't wait to visit us? We have you covered; order that special new book from us at

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December flies by fast. Make special memories and get a great holiday read or gift from Novel HeARTs!

Novel HeARTs fully supports the right to read, create and learn!

  • Create a Priceless Piece of Art with Your Friends!

    For Adults: Paint an original instructor-guided artwork on stretched canvas. A two-hour party is hosted at your location. The theme and painting style are tailored to the group. The cost is only $30 per painter. Parties of 6 or more guests please. You provide the snacks and drinks, we bring the ART!

    For Kids: Paint and draw in this 10 person painting party! Great for your budding artist's birthday party. Two hour party for $200. Each additional artist over the 10 is $10. During the party, every artist will create 2-3 pieces with a collaborative artwork gift for the guest of honor.